Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi
Biga İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Maliye Bölümü

Academic Advisors

Below is the list of advisors for the registration approvals and course counselling of our students in the Department of Public Finance for the 2023-24 academic year.

1st Year (1st Cycle) Prof. Selçuk İPEK

2nd Year (1st Cycle) Prof. Murat AYDIN

3rd Year (1st Cycle) Asst. Prof. S. Sami TAN

4th Year (1st Cycle)  Prof. Fatma TAŞ

1st Year (2nd Cycle) Asst. Prof. Hilal GÖRKEM

2nd Year (2nd Cycle)  Asst. Prof. Serkan IŞIK

3rd Year (2nd Cycle) Assoc. Prof. Timur TÜRGAY

4th Year (2nd Cycle) Assoc. Prof. MEHMET AVCI