Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi
Biga İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Maliye Bölümü

Quality Assurance Commission and Its Activities

Department Quality Assurance Commission:

Prof. Murat AYDIN

Asst. Prof. Hilal GÖRKEM

Res. Asst. Dr. Semra TAŞ

Res. Asst. Kendal DENİZ

Res. Asst. Dr. Mehmet Emin KENANOĞLU

Res. Asst. Yakup TAŞDEMİR

Res. Asst. Dr. Hikmet Dersim YILDIZ


Department Quality Evaluation Commission:

Prof. Murat AYDIN President,

Asst. Prof. Hilal GORKEM Member,


Quality Assurance Works in the Finance Department

  • Quality Assurance Commission Meetings were held online via Microsoft Teams during the pandemic.
  • Internal stakeholder meetings were held and recorded.​
    • Student orientation programs were organized (19 October 2021).
    • Quality Ambassadors meeting (23 November 2021)
    • Internal stakeholder meeting with the academic staff of the department (November 24, 2021)
    • Student academic advisory committee meeting was held (October 25, 2021).
  • The cooperation committee meeting was held with the graduates (25 October 2021).
  • Our department's website is arranged according to the architecture determined by the dean's office.
  • Our Quality Assurance and Accreditation studies continue.